April 8-10th, 2025
Frankfurt - GERMANY
at The Crowne Plaza Frankfurt Congress Hotel
The resolution of inflammation,
new avenues and opportunities for innovative therapeutics?

Andreas Weigert, Manuela Diehl, Susanne Behlke & Sylvain Perruche
with the contribution of the
iiSIAR Study Group

tentative program
The resolution of inflammation,
new avenues and opportunities for innovative therapeutics?
Arrival and Registration
08:30, Welcome
08:45-12:15, New mediators and mechanisms
Chairs: tbn
Dipak Panigrahy Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, US
Stefan Offermanns Max Planck Institute for Heart and Lung Research Bad Nauheim, DE
"How are cellular SPM effects mediated?"
Coffee break
Kiavash Movahedi University of Brussels, BE
"The fate of brain macrophages following disease resolution"
Selected TALK (selected from abstracts)
SHORT TALK (selected from abstracts)
12:15 Lunch
12:30-14:15, New mediators and mechanisms (continued)
Chairs: tbn
Jesmond Dalli Queen Mary University of London, UK
"Unlocking SPM Pathways: Bridging Inflammation Resolution and Tissue Repair to Human Health"
14:15-18:30, Resolution and ageing
Chairs: tbn
Kodi Ravichandran Washington University School of Medicines, USA
"Efferocytosis by phagocytes – challenges to having a good meal"
Oliver Werz Friedrich Schiller University Jena, DE
Coffee break
Angela Goncalves DKFZ German Cancer Research Center, DE
2 Selected TALKS (selected from abstracts)
2 SHORT TALKS (selected from abstracts)
19:00 –22:00, Dinner and Poster Session
08:30-12:15, Resolution and metabolism
Chairs: tbn
Ingrid Fleming Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, DE
"Targeting TGF-b signaling by deleting SMOC1 prevents the resolution of inflammation"
Ulrich Matt Universitätsklinikum Gießen und Marburg, DE
"Cell type specific efferocytosis instructs macrophage function during resolution of inflammation"
Coffee break
2 Selected TALKS (selected from abstracts)
3 SHORT TALKS (selected from abstracts)
12:15, Lunch
13:30-14-15, Resolution and metabolism (continued)
Chairs: tbn
Johan Garaude Université de Bordeaux, FR
"Microbial viability drives immunometabolic responses of macrophages"
14:15-18:30, Resolution and regeneration
Mikael Simons Technical University Munich, DE
Pedro Melgar-Lesmes University of Barcelona, ES
"The paradigm of macrophages on liver fibrosis resolution and regeneration"
Coffee break
Sven Reischauer Justus Liebig University Gießen, DE
2 Selected TALKs (selected from abstracts)
2 SHORT TALKS (selected from abstracts)
19:00, Dinner and Poster Session
08:30-12:00, Translational resolution
Chairs: tbn
Andreas Ramming University Clinic Erlangen, DE
Stephanie G Dakin University of Oxford, GB
"Primed to resolve: The shoulder capsule reveals a cellular basis for resolving inflammatory fibrosis"
Coffee break
2 Selected TALKS (selected from abstracts)
2 SHORT TALKS (selected from abstracts)
12:00-17:00, iiSIAR Study Group Session:
Innate immunity in sterile inflammation, autoimmunity, and their resolution
2 selected Talks from Forum
12:40, Lunch
Nicolas Manel Institut Curie, FR
"Activation of nuclear cGAS by self DNA"
14:20-15:40 SESSION 1
2 selected Talks from Forum
Anne Dejean Institut Toulousain des Maladies Infectieuses et Inflammatoires, FR
"Eomes, a new actor in shaping Tregs identity and plasticity"
15:00-16:20 SESSION 2
2 selected Talks from Forum
16:20, closing remarks
16:30, end